• 極光隔れ • 山神 •

Ōroragakure & the Yamakami clan

"The land of water consists of an archipelago in the outer sea. [...] The island clusters around the main island have unique, ancient customs that vary from island to island. Many inhabitants still strictly adhere to their old traditions and customs." — NARUTO Hiden: Hyō no Sho

The Yamakami clan is a union of several religious families which were exiled in the other nations of the world. Their home is Ōroragakure — A village in the land of water hidden inside a giant genjutsu that even the sun can't reach, with northern lights gracing the sky instead.

Yamakamis are skilled genjutsu users with unique combat abilities that can combine battle staffs and their own clan tattoos. Their moral compass, traditions and overall behaviour is often seen as unconventional, or downright terrifiyng to outsiders.

This site focuses on the darker themes of NARUTO, most notably Jashinism. Topics like cult-living and cannibalism are often discussed. If these topics make you uncomfortable, the clan is not something for you.

NEW! an advanced guide for members who want to flesh out their Yamakamis more

clan belongs to xravas • creating a clan member requires permission • the Yamakami clan and Ōroragakure are a canon-divergent additions to the world of NARUTO by Masashi Kishimoto

clan template

A template that you can use for your Yamakami clan member! Feel free to use it if you own a slot.
(the required fonts are already included in the .zip file!)


content warning for the following: cult living, cannibalism, torture


Ōroragakure is located on a peninsula in the land of water, bordering the land of fire. The village is surrounded by a thick forest that is covered in illusionary traps and seals that only Yamakami members are immune to, making it nearly impossible to traverse without their secret technique.

Map made by anruki. The Kyuzazame clan is important for the future of Ōroragakure and are therefore connected with each other, hence the inclusion of the land of swamps.

Because of a genjutsu from the clan leader, it is always nighttime in Ōroragakure and northern lights surround the sky. The clean leader can use these lights as his eyes and ears, observing the peninsula at wish. If a trespasser gets lost in the forest or stuck in a trap, they are then taken away by clan members and usually end up sacrificed. Because of this, the forest is often called Kumonosu (クモの巣, spider web) by natives.


Ryūjin, the clan leader of Ōroragakure, claims to be led by a kami called Shujaku, who granted him immortality and fire immunity. According to him, he was alive during the Warrings States Period and helped with the construction of Konoha firsthand, even becoming a confidant of Madara Uchiha. Hashirama did not approve of Ryūjins religious practices and after he defeated Madara, banned him from Konoha.
This lead to Ryūjin roaming around the world in search for likeminded individuals, eventually settling together with a few dozen in a peninsula in the land of water.
As of today, people from all around the world join the clan, in hopes of being able to practice their religion without fear of punishment.


Religion is the biggest pillar of the Yamakami clan. Native members usually follow the religious practice of their parents, but converting into a different religion inside the clan is allowed until a Yamakami gets their clan marks at the age of 10. Following a certain religion inside the clan does not mean disrespcting the other or not believing in their existence, it is merely a matter of personal preference. Most Yamakamis follow either Jashin or Shujaku.Using clan members for ritualistic practices is frowned upon and usually results in execution. Every other person is seen as inferior and therefore an option for a possible sacrifice. The clan leader makes sure that this attitude is internalized thoroughly.

Followers of Shujaku sacrifice meat to their kami. Either that of non-believers, or, if times are dire, their own. In return, they gain a longer lifespan that can double, even triple, that of a regular human. Some believe that, with enough devotion, immunity to fire and even immortality can be reached, which seems to have happened to Ryūjin.Followers of Shujaku tend to have abnormally high chakra control, which allows them to use the unique clan tattoos to their full advantage.

Unlike Hidan, no Jashinist of the Yamakami clan has reached the point of immortality yet. Instead, they usually have a dedicated healer that tends to their wounds after the sacrificing ritual is over. The bond between a Jashinist and their Iryō-nin is strong and commonly lasts a lifetime.
Still, Yamakami Jashinists can endure way more pain than a regular human. They can also loose more blood and they tend to overcome damage to vital organs much better than non-believers. Over the years, some Jashinist from the clan have started to aquire traits such as growing multiple limbs and horns during their transformation. This makes them even harder to take down and allows them to shield clansmen who prefer ranged combat.

Society & Traditions

Clansmen live secluded from the rest of society. The clan leader only allows close confidants of his to travel outside the homeland. The only exception to this are the Chūnin Selection Exams, in which the young Yamakamis are allowed to travel to the designated village that holds the exam.
This, however, often proves as a dangerous expedition, as they are not only often ambushed by Nukenins, but even occasionally captured by Orochimaru's disciples and used for gruesome experiments, as Orochimaru thinks they are valuable for his studies on immortality.
Twins & Duality
For unknown reason, there is an unusually high percentage of twins born inside the village. Fraternal twins are especially common. Those twins rarely look anything alike and have radically different behaviour, personality and morality from one another. Many started interpreting this phenomenom as a message from their kami.
In the early beginnings of the clan, the believe that twins inside the clan are "incomplete" and "inbalanced" started spreading. This resulted in those twins being forced to fight to the death with each other at their 22nd birthday. The winner would then be considered a "complete" being and "find peace and true strenght within themselves".
As of today, this practice has been discarded, but some are still taught the ancient custom and have internalized this belief.

sketch by anruki.

Festivals & Feasts
The clansmen frequently come together and hold ritualistic festivals. People who got stuck or lost inside the forest around the village get sacrificed during this time, which is then celebrated with loud music, drinks and floating lanterns.
The feast is hold annually. It's the most important event for the clan. Clansmen come together and summon huge storms around the peninsula, resulting in the people sailing nearby to capsize. If they're still alive after that, they usually end up getting lost in the forest and hunt down by the clansmen.

The incident

When she was 16 years old, Toshi, the second daughter of Ryūjin, was allowed to participate in the annual feast for the first time, which she obliged happily. There, she was ordered to sacrifice a child. She never had a problem with sacrificing adult non-believers, but a child was different for her. She loudly refused, much to her fathers disdain. Traditionally, people who refused her father's orders were immidiately executed. Toshi, however, was loved by many, so Ryūjin gave her a second chance. He publicly cut open Toshis mouth from ear to ear, forcibly feeding her with parts of the young boy she was supposed to sacrifice, as well as cutting into parts of her legs and arms to prevent her from struggling.Toshi was adored by many people inside the village and she was Ryūjins most beloved child. The event resulted in some clansmen questioning his leadership, but none dared to confront him officially out of fear.Many years have passed since and Ryūjin has puplicly declared Toshi as dead, not wanting his people to know that she actually managed to escape from the village a year after the incident. Only close confidants of his know the truth and he's actively seeking to bring her back.One day, she will return on her own.

Silent Uprising

The incident, the seclusion from other villages and the way that Ryūjin does not seem to care when children from the village end up in Orochimarus hands made some people question the leader and his way of ruling. Over the years, a silent rebellion started emerging from the shadows - with the ultimate goal of overthrowing him. Ryūjin is aware of this and while he is able to quickly get rid of any turncoats inside Ōroragakure itself, clanspeople outside of it are much harder to monitor. If Ryūjin finds out that someone is in support of the rebellion, they are publicly executed.
On the other hand, Ryūjin allowed his people to live out their religious belief freely and for unknown reasons, the clan is unusually wealthy, which allows them their many extravagant festivals. Most clan members tend to ignore Ryūjins, at times, terrifying way of leading, either out of fear, apathy or simply approval.

For an in-depth creation guide, check the

clan traits & journey


Since people from all around the world join the clan, the possibilities for their appearance are basically endless. However, after living inside the village for a while, a lot of members start to radically adjust to their new environment, which even become part of their genetic disposition.

colored sclera
it is very common that the sclera of members change once they get their clan marks or clan tattoos. They are usually the same in color, but exceptions happen regularly.

slit & dilated pupils
the pupils of clan members can become slit-shaped. This allows them better depth perception. In order to see better in their dark environment, some develop dilated pupils as well.

common (examples)
common sclera colors include red and black. All natural iris colors are present as well. Pupils are usually red or a darker shade of the iris.

uncommon (examples)
it's uncommon for the eyes of clan members to stay unaffected by their environment, especially after receiving the chakra of the elders.
Additionally, reddish iris are uncommon, as well as having no pupils.

these combinations are only found in the family branch of the clan leader and are therefore unavailable.

nails, teeth & tongue
to be able to rip through flesh more easily and consume it faster, members commonly have sharper nails and teeth than normal. Over the years inside the village, their teeth can change drastically.
Some members or born with black or blue tongues. A few have tattoos on them, altough they can only be aquired once adulthood is reached.

common (examples)

uncommon (examples)

cold resistance and fire sensitivity
clan members have an unusually high tolerance for cold weather conditions, but are highly sensitive to warmer climates. If they leave Ōroragakure, they need a long time to adjust to the sun. If outside the village for several weeks at once, wearing straw hats are basically a necessity for them.
However, they do not have an issue with hot liquids and tend to enjoy hot springs and hot beverages.

clan marks & tattoos

At the age of 10, Yamakami members get their clan marks. They are usually located under the eyes, but can also be placed on the forehead or chin area. Special ink is prepared beforehand, infused with the chakra of the eldest. This chakra allows the Yamakamis to traverse through the forest effortlessly.
Adult members who migrated into the clan will need to prove their loyalty towards the clan first to get rewarded with a clan tattoo.
Colors used for clan marks are black or red hues. Your oc's clan marks can can be simple or detailed as you want, there are no set rules.examples

The clan tattoos can be aquired from age 12 onwards, usually a year before the chūnin exams, but they are not a necessity.
Color and shape wise, they folllow the same rules as the clan marks.


Yamakamis prefer their clothes to be primarily dark with earthy, gold or reddish accents. Their clothes are usually traditional and held together with ropes. Bandages are also incorperated into their clothes and hair frequently.

Ryo & Kaijin art by ruripurix

example colors


Staff wielder (杖運ぶ, Tsue hakobu) (common)
Staff wielders use their staff as a focus point for genjutsus. This allows them to trap their opponents into illusionary techniques. The staff increases the radius and strenght of genjutsus dramatically.
Additionally, Jashinists usually have a blade or another weapon hidden inside their staff to make sacrifices easier during battle.

Ghost (幽霊,Yūrei) (uncommon)
Yūrei are Yamakami members than can use their clan tattoos for illusionary techniques. The higher a members chakra control, the more potent the tattoos become in battle. The tattoos can travel outside of the user in a smoke-like state and can be used defensively as an easy form of escape or repositioning. With enough practice, the smoke can be turned into a thick liquid that can be used offensively.
With enough training, every liquid and steam in the vicinity of the user can be manipulated this way if part of it is consumed first.

Mifuyu and Youta using their abilities.
art by bean_soop

Medical-nin (医療忍, Iryō-nin) (rare)
(from Narutopedia) [...] Ninja who specialise in medical treatment and use of medical-oriented techniques to heal others. Becoming a medical-nin requires high intelligence and excellent chakra control.
Medical-nins inside the village are treated with the utmost respect and admiration. Their existence is the cornerstone of the clan. They are usually one of the wealthiest members and get special treatment in all social events.Training as a healing nin starts as early as four years old - in their own private academy, lead by the former Uzumaki branch of the clan.
Since medics are so valuable, once they finish their education they can freely decide which Jashinist they want to serve. Once they choose one, they are usually a duo in combat for the rest of their lives.

Wanderer (放浪者,Hōrō-sha) (rare)
Wanderers are allowed to roam the world and take orders from the clan leader exclusively. Their tasks vary depending on the individuals skills - Including but not limited to: Assassinations, bounty-hunting, proselytism or diplomacy.
Wanderers are given a special forehead protector.
There is a special branch of Wanderers led by Mifuyu. Most of them are clan members that she has saved from the hands of Orochimaru. These members are entirely devoted towards her. Their tasks include accompanying Mifuyu during missions and to spy on, hunt down and execute the Nukenins of the village.

Paths can be combined.Some clan members use both a staff and their clan tattoos when fighting with illusionary techniques, although this requires a huge amount of chakra control and high intelligence and can decades to master properly.
However, it is exceptionally rare that medical-nins are trained in using genjutsu, as their special training requires a strict routine that has little wiggle room to learn other skills. They are also not allowed to become Wanderers, as they are simply too valuable for the village.
Using a different path than Staff wielder or Ghost does not mean your oc can't own a staff or tattoos. It just means they likely won't use them for combat purposes.

Create your own

If you own a slot for a Yamakami, you can choose between all of the traits available except for rare (or unavailable). You are also allowed to make a pair of twins with only one slot.Your oc can also be immigrated from another clan, but this means leaving their old life and connection behind. (For example, after the war in the land of whirpools, some uzumaki-clan members sought refugee in Ōroragakure and have since been one of the closest confidants of the clan-leaders family.)You do not need to choose a side for your oc (Loyalist or Nukenin) at first, but the choice must be made eventually.Special rule for medic-nins
If you want to create a medic-nin, you also have to create a Jashinist that they are bound to. You could also ask a friend if they'd like to create a Jashinist for your medic and vice versa! This would then count as one combined slot for both you and your friend.


Depending on their upbringing, clanmembers might deal with the following events inside their life:

If native to the villageGetting their clan marks at the age of 10.
‣ This allows them to travel through the forest around the village for the first time.
‣ Clan festivals may be attented afterwards as well.
(Getting their clan tattoos at the age of 12)
‣ The tattoos allow them to further enhance their genjutsu capabilities if available.
Their chūnin exams at the age of 13 & the necessary journey
‣ During the exams, a Yamakamis biggest strenght are usually single-combat situations, as it's hard for an opponents to escape a Yamakamis genjutsus on their own. Also, they are resistant to water and ice-related techniques. In general, the clanspeople have a reputation of being extremely harsh towards their opponents, as they usually have no empathy towards people outside the clan.
Their biggest weakness are group challenges and fire related techniques.
(On their way to the exams or on the way back to Ōroragakure, there is a chance that your oc might be captured by Orochimaru or his disciples.)
If your your ocs journey doesn't end here or they somehow manage to escape Orochimaru on their own, they can be saved by either Toshi or Mifuyu.
Toshi will probably take your oc to her secret hideout, where several other Yamakami members reside who met the same fate. Your oc will be assigned to Nukenin
Mifuyu expects neverending loyalty towards her for saving your oc and if they meet her standars, she will likely influence Ryūjin into turning them into a Wanderer, which allows them to travel the world depending on their abilities.
Your oc will be assigned to the Loyalists
Being part of the clan feast at age 16
The yearly feast may be attended by people below the age of 16, but afterwards they are allowed to actively take part in it - which includes hunting non-clansmen down in the forest on their own.

If migrated into the village(The milestones for natives may still apply depending on the age of arrival)Journey towards Ōroragakure
‣ To be able to reach the village, your oc needs to be lead through the forest by a Yamakami member, usually a wanderer. They are not easy to find, as they usually don't stay in the same spot for long and they are not easy to persuade, either. To prove your ocs genuine interest in joining the clan, they might have to sacrifice someone in front of the Wanderer.
Proving their loyality towards the clan leader
‣ This depends on the personality of your oc and their former alliances. Proving their loyalty succesfully turns them into a full clan member and they can then get their clan marks.

If you want to discuss your ocs milestones with me, please message me!

For an in-depth creation guide, check the

clan leader

Owner - Xravas
Follower of Shujaku
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ) & Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - ICelesteI
Wife of Ryūjin
Follower of Jashin


Members that are loyal to the clan, the leader and its ideals.

Owner - Xravas
Oldest child of Ryūjin
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - Xravas
Son of Ryūjin
Twin of Toshi
Follower of Jashin
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - ICelesteI
Son of Ryūjin & Akemi
Twin of Seijun
Follower of Shujaku

Owner - ICelesteI
Son of Ryūjin & Akemi
Twin of Dagon
Follower of Shujaku

Owner - Xravas
Adopted son of Ryūjin | shares body with Ryo
Twin of Mina
Follower of Jashin
Hōrō-sha (放浪者)

Owner - xmoguii
Twin of Jikininki
Follower of Jashin
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - dachong
Twin of Akai
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - Kaziyo
Twin of Shin
Follower of Shujaku
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - Xravas
Follower of Shujaku
Iryō-nin (医療忍)
Medic of Dagon

Owner - itouyan
Twin of Karaiko
Follower of Shujaku
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - soi.bee
Twin of Teisho
Follower of Jashin

Owner - ruripurix
Follower of Jashin
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - xravas
Follower of Jashin
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - Issu
Follower of Shujaku
Hōrō-sha (放浪者)

Owner - Majoriis
Follower of Shujaku
Hōrō-sha (放浪者)
Mifuyu Loyalist

Owner - birdish
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)
Hōrō-sha (放浪者)
Mifuyu Loyalist

Owner - Baizhi Furukawa
Follower of Jashin
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - Baizhi Furukawa
Follower of Shujaku
Iryō-nin (医療忍)
Medic of Yurei
Mifuyu Loyalist

Owner - Jett
Follower of ?
Yūrei (杖運ぶ)
Mifuyu Loyalist


Members that have been banished from the clan or lost their trust in the clan leader and aim to overthrow him

Owner - Xravas
Daughter of Ryūjin | Twin of Youta
Follower of Shujaku
Iryō-nin (医療忍) & Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - Xravas
Twin of Ryo
Follower of Shujaku
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ) & Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - xmoguii
Twin of Hakumei
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - onerix
Twin of Yasu
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - onerix
Twin of Satoru
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - Kaziyo
Twin of Yun
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - enishi.yuhi.
Follower of Jashin
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - itouyan
Twin of Kaneki
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - shiria
Twin of Ayuna
Follower of Jashin
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)


Neutral parties that have yet to take a side

Owner - Xravas
Adopted son of Ryūjin | shares body with Kaijin
Twin of Mina
Follower of Shujaku
Hōrō-sha (放浪者)

Owner - dachong
Twin of Namida
Follower of Shujaku
Tsue hakobu (杖運ぶ)

Owner - soi.bee
Twin of Ankoku
Follower of Shujaku

Owner - Reii
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)

Owner - shiria
Twin of Kai
Follower of Shujaku
Yūrei (幽霊)


All Slots1. Yoenchy Ai @ fb [DONE]
2. Himi Tsu @fb Shin & Jun [DONE]
3. Mercy Bahrs @ fb Hakumei & Jikininki [DONE]
4. Minho Seonu @ fb Moriko [DONE]
5. annu
6. Ito Sasaki Hide @fb Mamie [DONE]
7. Reika Kuze @ fb Satoru & Yasu [DONE]
8. Shiria @ fb Kai & Ayuna [DONE]
9. Toshizou Shikei @ fb
10. Soi Bee @ fb Ankoku & Teisho [DONE]
11. Nisha YanYan @ fb Kaneki & Karaiko [DONE]
12. Akane Sato @fb Akai & Namida [DONE]
13. Takeo Ryuzaki @ fb [WIP]
14. chiyochips @ ig [WIP]
15. deamiin @ ig [WIP]
16. vantu.ki @ ig
17. enishi.yuhi. @ ig Rikishi [DONE]
18. anmiychi @ ig [WIP]
19. professional.hayami @ ig
20. Isgirl @ ig
21. inkphor.ia @ ig
22. Seon-ho Jeon @ fb
23. Aviella Cadieux @ fb
24. Kurmizu @ fb
25. Hana Yobi @ fb
26. Aoi Desu @ fb
27. Tomogumi/Goon @ dA/discord
28. Majoriis Ezume [Adoptable]
29. Rebekah Narcisse @ fb Katsuki [Adoptable]
30. Reii Kagu @ fb Eiya [DONE]
31. Hachiro Fojimoto @ fb Yurei & Nagato [DONE]
32. Jin Woo Myeong @ fb
33. Rir Cat @ fb
34. Sei @fb
35. Saiko Sama @fb
36. Shiria @fb
37. Baizhi Furukawa @fb
38. Meiying T'ien @fb
39. Zouizouille Sekawanoo @fb
40. Yeomeru @fb
41. power
for_panda @ig
42. senaiyaart @ig
43. jinnsdream @ig
44. yurukobi @ig